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Two suggestions:

- Consider separating into two lists. One for "out for the season" and the other for players who may be back this year.

- The current sort order appears to be "Return date, descending". It's not intuitive at all. Even "Return date, ascending" makes more sense to me. Please consider a different sort order. Perhaps "date put on DL, within team". Many of us are fans of specific teams and it would be much more convenient to see all the injuries in one place rather than have to scan the whole list.

I like these suggestions. There are also some places where the dates don't match the text. For example with Tim Stauffer the return date is listed as 5/24 but the text says he'll be back on the 14th or 15th.

Impressively the Padres players at the major league level made it through a day without further injuries. Of course the minor leaguers did their part to offset that with Joe Ross getting pulled half an hour before his scheduled start and Jace Peterson leaving the field on a stretcher and being taken to the hospital. Fortunately it sounds like the CT scan was negative. Unfortunately it was bad enough that he left the field on a stretcher and had to get a CT scan.
That's another aspect we're working into the new design. I should have the ability to adjust the expected return date.
I agree as well. As a few commenters have noted before, users can sort by any column they wish, but I agree that the default sort order would be better if it was by team/date on DL.
I'll see about default sorting to team
The first point we are working into the new design. One of the new things we're working on is getting it grouped by transaction type.

To the second point, clicking on the headers will sort the list by that header.