
Bryan Grosnick (BP) and R.J. Anderson (CBS Sports) tackle Eric Hosmer signing with the San Diego Padres, J.D. Martinez signing with the Boston Red Sox, Jason Vargas to the New York Mets, and some…interesting trades by the Tampa Bay Rays

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Noel Steere
So now Jason Vargas' contract is a sign of collusion? I'd say you're grasping for straws, but it's more like you're just calling whatever comes along "straw".

Well-deserved snark aside, there does seem to be a pattern once you take the entire off-season and trade deadline in toto: Have you noticed how many of the trades you've covered seem to be an "underpay" to the team receiving the MLB player, going back to the JD Martinez trade? Have you also noticed how xStats seems to regard Mitch Moreland's '17 season to be relatively identical to his '16 season? If it were "collusion", the MLB players being traded would get back more, indicating teams valued them differently outside of the Free Agent market.
Noel Steere
In short, maybe it's not "collusion"; maybe it's you.