
When I began working with Baseball Prospectus, I knew we had a lot of work to do to bring the site and tools up-to-date, and provide our users with the best experience possible. Our first project in that vein was to bring the editorial site into a modern content management system, which we launched a couple years ago. While we still have much to do…

Today marks another step forward.

We’re excited to introduce the new Baseball Prospectus Leaderboards. The new leaderboards give you a look at hitting, pitching, and catcher defense statistics. We’ve created a little introduction video to familiarize you with the new features of the leaderboards.

Right now the leaderboards are in beta, which means we’re still working on them, adding functionality and ensuring that everything is in working order. We want these leaderboards to work for you, so if there is anything you think they should be doing that they’re not, or something doesn’t seem right, please let us know. There is a “Feedback” button at the bottom of the leaderboards pages that will allow you to submit your feedback. Please give as much information as you can so we can add your suggestion to our list or troubleshoot the issue.

Thank you for reading

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They look great guys, congratulations! Already bookmarked.
One thing I just thought of though, on that landing page it might be nice to have the last 30 days and last 7 days leaders underneath the season leaders on a second and third row, respectively. I love that you can filter by that once you click through to the individual leaderboards, but for when you only have time to glance at it, it could be really handy to have a "dashboard" where you can see all of those top 10's at once.
Kendall Guillemette
Thanks for the kind words and the suggestions Daniel. Really appreciate it.
Jim Diffley
Very very cool, thank you! Love the various timeframes and sort capabilities! Please consider adding my “go-to” pitching metric, cFIP. Kudos on an excellent useful improvement to BP!
Kendall Guillemette
Thanks for the kind words Jim.
One problem - where are we supposed to find these? Don't see it under STATS / TOOLS.
Kendall Guillemette
There is now a link under the Stats/Tools menu. Thanks for the feedback.
Jacob Long
This is a really big deal. Lack of modern/easy interface for the the stats has seemed to me like the biggest problem with BP for a while now. Congrats on getting this going.
Kendall Guillemette
Thanks Jacob.
This is a good update. Thank you.

Any plans for a combined WARP leaderboard? And I agree with Daniel that a time-based splits tool (among other splits) would be a nice feature.
Kendall Guillemette
Thanks Alec. We have a lot on the horizon. Thanks for your suggestions. It helps us know what is important to our subscribers.
Nice job. How about a capacity to look across years or levels?
Kendall Guillemette
Thank you for your suggestion. We'll add vote to our feature list.
Robert Grace
Awesome! Feedback: (1) I'd love the stat abbreviations (e.g., DRC+) to (a) be hyperlinks that showed a concise definition when you hovered over them and (b) link to foundational articles about the statistics. (2) On the leaderboard main page, clicking on the masthead doesn't bring you back to the home page, which it should do. Thanks!
Kendall Guillemette
Hey Robert, thanks for the thoughtful feedback. For your first suggestion, it's something that we're working on. and for #2, that's changed now and you should be able to navigate back to the main site.
Eddie Bajek
Good to see. One bug I just came across. I tried to check on some "last month" splits for DRA and a bunch of pitchers were filtered out.
Kendall Guillemette
Eddie, pitchers that have not appeared in games in that time period will be filtered out. Are you noticing pitchers who have pitched, but aren't showing up? If so, if you could hit the feedback button on that report and that will help us track and troubleshoot. Thanks for your help.