Image credit: William Purnell-USA TODAY Sports

Hey all, we know that despite all our fantasy content you still have questions about your teams, which guys to start, and potential trades to make. To that end, we’re opening up the comments and Tim Jackson, our fantasy writer/editor, will be checking in all weekend to chime in and answer. While you’re here, remember to check out his hit with Vince Gennaro on MLB Network radio, which will air at 5 pm on Saturday! If you like the ability to get these kinds of questions answered, a reminder that our Super-Premium tier offers The Bat Signal, where a member of our fantasy team will provide a response to your questions, generally within 24 hours — and the best part is only you see the answer, so the information provided back isn’t public.

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Rick Lopez
Is something wrong with Yoan Moncada besides the perpetual injury cycle??
Tim Jackson
I don't think so. Maybe he's never a huge star like we thought he could be after 2019 but this year he's only played in 14 games, and oblique injuries are gnarly (really, any muscle injury is). Wouldn't be surprising if he didn't quite feel like himself yet. That said, he has been hitting more grounders, even going back to last year, and he's not getting rewarded for his fly balls this year. Would be especially nice for him if the warmer weather helped bump offense
Matt Johnson
Trying to balance winning a title & sustaining long-term core.

Worth trading Ke’Bryan Hayes & Yarbrough (premium for starts) for Christian Yelich (current 3B is Riley, OF Robert/Stanton/Teoscar). Does help the win-now but wondering if at too high of long-term cost
Tim Jackson
I don't think that's too much long-term, unless you believe Hayes will add power...but we don't have any reason to believe that right now. Yelich won't bounce back to superstar levels but he's giving you a nice boost here, especially with Riley as your 3B. Hopefully you just have enough of these dudes healthy at the same time.
David Whitcomb
I don't have a question - just wanted to say that this is a great and fun idea and I really appreciate your doing this.
Tim Jackson
Much appreciated -- engaging with you all is a blast.
Kyle Kuehm
Jeremy Pena - Are we looking at a franchise SS? Or will he settle in to middle of the road? Looking at how much to pay for him in my dynasty leagues or if I should sell my existing shares at the inflated price. Thanks for your advice!
Tim Jackson
The power is truly nutty. Like, for a guy who just developed it during the lost season, he seems to hit some moonshots. It's hard to say he's a .290/.350/.500 guy, but nothing in his profile looks too hinky. He has a top-50 barrel rate, good distribution of batted balls, and is already seeing more sliders than all but like 14 regulars. Pitchers don't want to give him anything to hit and he's still raking. I'm in (love).
Travis Pastore
How are we feeling about Syndergaard? Love the results but can't shake the feeling the wheels are going to fall off
Tim Jackson
Big, big same. His stuff has not been impressive since coming back and I think his current iteration is much more likely to detonate than his results might indicate, especially if hitters figure out his changeup a little. His velo is down 3.5 mph!
michael wilson
I see the Rangers batting Jonah Heim in the cleanup spot. He did not seem highly rated going into the season. Is he having some kind of breakout?
Tim Jackson
He's putting together power and patience in a way we haven't quite seen in order to believe -- he did similar-ish stuff in Triple-A in 2019, but it was Triple-A in 2019 with the crazy jumpy ball. Hard not to pay attention to the catcher with the third-best OPS and an easy plus batting average in this environment, especially when his ADP was beyond 450 in the winter.
Laser Shield
Hey Tim, how do you know it's time to cut bait on a proven player? I'm hanging in there in a keep-forever league, and I'm looking at Marcus Semien and beginning to wonder what else I could do with that bench spot.
Tim Jackson
Honestly, I don't know when to cut bait with a player. I wrestle with it all season, every season. Regarding Semien, there's research out there that suggests players press when going to a new team that shows up in chase rates, which is true for him (it's up 8 percentage points compared to last year/typical numbers for him, which is massive). Between that, the ball, and how he's maximized his production in the past by playing as much as possible, it's really tough. In a shallow league I'd cut bait because available replacement level is so much higher. In a deep league I'm banishing him to the bench and hoping he turns it around at some point because what's available is probably a rotating cast of darts who come with far less track record.
Ptown Joe
German Marquez is destroying my staff. Do I hang on to him and hope he improves or do I cut him now to activate a guy like Jake McGee?
Tim Jackson
As a general note I avoid Rockies pitchers because pitching at home is a nightmare and players might need a whole first road series to readjust. With Márquez I might just be cutting him, even if I immediately start looking for a guy more helpful than McGee. He's still getting a ton of grounders but it seems at the expense of strikeouts and he has a K-BB rate well below average. DRA says he's a sub-4.00 guy but his ERA has almost always played worse than that peripheral. Iunno. Maybe stash on the bench to see if he forces you to remember him for a few starts? But yeah, I'd be running out of patience
Ptown Joe
Thanks Tim!
Currently leading my league (H2H, pts) and have Kopech for a two-start next week. He is a nice juicy trade piece--I can't decide if it's time to try and get value for him since I'm already ahead and he might not be available down the stretch, or to hold onto him as a proven ace this year. I guess that's not a question, but perspectives welcome :D
Tim Jackson
DRA/DRA- thinks he's much closer to average (4.25/99) than ace, and that probably tracks with how he's striking out a lot fewer batters this year and giving up more contact in the zone. If you can trade him, go for it, though I'm not sure how many people you can trade with who wouldn't be scared off by potential regression and an innings cap
Thanks for doing this! It gives us an opportunity to ask questions which you answer thoughtfully without the typical quick off-the-cuff responses seen in so many chats. Last year, a number of rule changes (e.g. balk rules, larger bases) in the minors made it easier to steal bases. IIRC, these changes substantially increased SB in Single-A leagues, with smaller changes in Triple-A. There was no increase in Double-A.

1) What is the situation this year?
2) In what minor leagues should we be discounting SB totals? In which leagues should the discount be large?
3) Do different Single-A leagues handle SB rules differently? If so, which Single-A leagues will be impacted more?
Tim Jackson
I think you're referencing the stories out of The Athletic from Jayson Stark, where some of the differences in results had to do with how much teams were told and when they were told (which would impact their time to strategize), and how moving second base this season could impact it even more.

I don't know that we've seen any results from it yet. I can't find much about it since the last Stark article in late March, and the minor league stats I'm aware of are generally by player in each league instead of for the league as a whole, so there would be a few extra steps in aggregating them.

As for what leagues you should discount, I'm not really sure we have -- or will have -- enough data to make that determination right away, unless steals start to show up in a certain league like power does in the PCL or at Double-A Reading.

I know that might not be a satisfying answer but minor league strategies and development are just so diverse. Teams might focus on different things at different levels. Guys might be running in situations where they wouldn't be getting sent in the majors. Like Jordan Walker has 10 steals in 13 tries, but I doubt the Cardinals are really going to be letting him run a ton in the majors when his calling card is power. Meanwhile Anthony Volpe has 18 steals in 20 tries and he's been running more despite having a harder time hitting, and I think it's entirely plausible that the Yankees let him impact the game in whatever way he can when he finally gets the call.

I'd be looking for info similar to that, that shows up kind of in between the lines on the reports that come out about these guys, which the BP prospect team is really good at spotting.
Blake Townsley
Hey Tim, Nolan Gorman just got 2b eligibility in my league right as Muncy went on the IL (for who knows how long???) do you think Gorman is a quality fill-in or should I be looking? I also could slide Trevor Story to 2B and go looking for a SS.
Tim Jackson
I think Gorman is going to run into issues being swing happy over the course of the year, making for some intense ups and downs. If you're fine with not knowing when those will come, he and Story should be a nice pair
Ben Dolven
Ive been playing Spencer Torkelson weekly, with mostly poor results. (Good day today tho!). We have a really thin bench, so how do you recommend playing a guy like Tork, who seems to have all the tools? One reason im short n bench slots is that im long pitchers. Wonder what your thoughts are on Snell amd Trevor Rogers going forward?
Tim Jackson
Torkelson has all the tools but he's still young. Maybe he puts it together to start dazzling in the second half, or maybe he takes the whole year. So few top prospects come in and play like top MLB guys, so it's a real test of patience.

If you're long on pitchers I'd be trying to balance it out a little bit. Maybe you can find a team thin on pitching and do a two-for-one (tough to do) or just lean into the depth and trade one of your better guys for a bat upgrade.

I'm not super high on Snell, even though he made me eat crow when I said to stick a fork in him last August. He's still a five-and-dive type with an up and down track record. Rogers has weird fastball stuff going on this year and I feel like his name has come up a bunch in terms of guys who have suffered post-sticky stuff ban. A lot relies on his slider. I think he can be a totally adequate arm, if not the burgeoning ace we saw early last year.
What do we make of Teoscar Hernandez at this point? Batting .161 with 2HR through 87 AB. Then again Trevor Story was struggling until a couple weeks ago too. Does Teoscar just need the equivalent of spring training or is something off (injury, contact issues)?
Tim Jackson
He's hitting a ton of grounders -- almost twice as many as he ever has in the majors. He's also chasing more, which is problematic given that he already chased a ton. Based on that stuff my gut says his timing is off, he isn't getting results, and then he's pressing more because of it. Wouldn't be shocking if he corrected it at some point, but it still might be a down year. Swing decisions are really hard to adjust in-season
Bradley Smart
Hi Tim! I know Nathan Eovaldi has turned in back-to-back great starts (albeit against Seattle and Baltimore), but I'm curious what you think about his HR problem. Do you think it'll get worse as the weather heats up, or that he'll be able to make adjustments to get it under control?
Tim Jackson
He's given up pretty much an equal amount of homers on four different pitch types. Most of them are on the edges of the middle third of the plate, which is less odd.

Maybe it's just a thing about making his pitch? He's not giving up the homers after getting himself into a bad count. In last week's Brass Tacks I talked about pitchers throwing just about any pitch in any count, but maybe leaning too much on one or another. Three-fourths of the homers Eovaldi has given up are on non four-seamers, so I wonder if he uses certain breaking balls to certain handed hitters and they're just sitting on the pitch.

Iunno. I knew he was giving up homers, but I hadn't realized it was the most in the league, or how weird it was, especially with this ball. He's had homer-prone seasons before but I still think his HR rate will ultimately come down at least a couple points. It's one of the stats that takes longest to stabilize. Even a full season is too small a sample, so right now maybe it's just an epically tough run.
Keith Collins
How much longer should one suffer Jose Berrios? I know you answered the proven player question previously, but this is a “prime-aged” supposed co-ace that has to date devastated rotations real and imaginary.
Tim Jackson
Unfortunately I still think you have to ride it out, if for different reasons than a guy like Semien. Berríos has been so, so steady pretty much his whole career. Outside his rookie season (only 14 starts), he's never posted a K-rate below 22.6 percent. With how he limits walks, which he's still doing this year, he always ends up above average in K-BB rate. He's another weird case, like Eovaldi above, in that he's getting barreled more than ever in a down offensive environment. I'm holding and feeling like he'll go on a run eventually
Nicholas Vandercook
Spencer Strider… has been a fantastic reliever so far this year and now is going to try starting… should I be as excited as I have been having him on my 12 team dynasty league? (Standard 5x5, 30 mlb, 20 milb)
Tim Jackson
With rosters that big, yes, absolutely be excited. His stuff is bonkers. I'm curious how it'll hold up as he gets stretched out: whether hitters will be more willing to see if they'll get walked (a little like Matt Brash earlier this year) and if is low ground ball rate (~30 percent, about 11 percentage points lower than league average) will make for some crooked innings, but he's clearly talented in a way that can separate him from the pack
Michael Gravinese
Is Austin Meadows worth taking a flyer on in trade given the vertigo? I can get him relatively cheap but vertigo and hitting 97mph fastballs seems like a very bad mix. Thanks, this is a great idea.
Tim Jackson
Right now, no. We don't have enough info to assume he's going to be able to play regularly any time soon. This kind of stuff really sucks to see and it's a bummer because Meadows is a fun player who has at times gotten a raw deal, so I'm mostly hoping he can feel good soon.
Travis Pastore
Can't really figure out how to value Dansby Swanson. Wasn't great in April and on fire in May. Realize he probably ends up in the middle of those two but do we think he's a top 100 guy the rest of the year?
Tim Jackson
Yeah, there's a good chance he's a top-100 guy the rest of the year. It's a big help that he's running more than usual and has yet to be caught stealing. He's on pace to have a career-high in stolen bases. The rest of the package will probably be what you described, though -- peaks and valleys that make him hard to figure out, because his streakiness is more pronounced than with other players. He could push 15/25 with a plus batting average if he stays healthy and keeps running, though
Jason A
Please rank (or provide your favorites) for the following seven pitchers in terms of expected output for the remainder of 2022 in a standard 5 X 5 League:

Shane Baz, Jack Flaherty, Andrew Heaney, Lance Lynn, Dustin May, Freddy Peralta, Chris Sale.

Thank you!
Tim Jackson
Boy, that is a real mine field. I'd probably go Lynn/Heaney/Peralta/May/Baz/Flaherty/Sale? Really tough
Jason A
Thank you Tim!
Blake Townsley
So low on Baz? So high on Peralta?
Tim Jackson
Higher on Baz if he isn't basically a bulk reliever but trying to predict what the Rays do is maddening. "High" is a relative term, I just have more faith in him coming back and having his role/stuff
I have been offered Buehler $15, Gallen-Last or Ty. Anderson-$10 for Cron-$24 in an NL-only 11-Team keeper. I would also get Grisham $10 . I'm doing well in the hitting categories, but only mid-pack in W, K and WHIP, and need help there until Scherzer returns. Two questions:

1) Is this a useful trade for me?

2) Is there a decent chance that COL trades Cron in the first year of his 2-year contract?
Tim Jackson
I think Buehler or Gallen is the guy here, and that you could take your pick. I don't think Grisham does much for you besides give you a hopeful-ish bench guy. I don't know that Colorado will trade Cron, but he's probably really tough to replace. Need might be more important than straight-up value for you, though. If you need the pitching categories and have a decent replacement for Cron, go for it
Dodger starters seem to be getting fewer K's this year than last. Buehler was 9.2 K/9 LY vs 7.2 K/9 YTD. Urias 9.5 vs 6.5, Kershaw 10.6 vs 9.6, Gonsolin 10.5 vs 8.8. You think this is just a sample size thing or possibly a conscious effort?
Tim Jackson
That's really interesting, if also weird. I wrote recently about how starters are getting fewer strikeouts on a rate basis but I don't know that any team is strategizing by trying to strike out fewer batters.

Buehler is getting more grounders, Urías has had some velo issues this year, Kershaw's dealt with injuries again, Gonsolin only threw 55 innings last year (and has thrown 45 this year). It's probably a little early to determine anything but it's definitely something to keep track of
Nicholas Vandercook
Are there any deep hidden fantasy prospects that aren’t talked about nonstop worth seeing if available? I’m dreaming of another Betts or Soto (I got them both when they were rarely talked about prospects and hope to add the next one, with Tim Jackson’s approval ;)
Tim Jackson
I generally consider prospects to be for trading, outside the top handful of dudes. I lean heavily on the prospect team's Minor League Updates and Monday Morning Ten Packs, and Jesse's weekly dynasty pieces. Soto or Betts level is maybe a little much -- Soto's a true generational talent and Betts was kind of a pop-up guy -- but they're routinely stuffing guys before they're getting a ton of buzz. Andrew Painter seems to be one of those dudes this year. He's not getting as much hype lately but he's still striking out more than 45% of batters as a teenager in A-ball.
Jonathan Saur
In a keeper OBP league, I tried to rebuild this year by snagging Lux, Andrew Vaughn, Kelenic, Casas, Brennen Davis, Noelvi Marte and Josh Jung. I can only keep ten guys and was hoping 3 or so of these guys would pan out. With the exception of Vaughn, they all seem to be struggling right now or are injured. Am I screwed or do you think I get 3 guys who will be top-100 or so out of this group?
Tim Jackson
Vaughn/Casas/Marte/Jung seem like a solid bet to be Top-100ish, but the situation you described is why it's so hard for me to put my eggs in the prospect basket instead of spiking a few of them for major leaguers